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A Woman's Beauty and Splendour Revealed - Visitor's Poem

by Sylvia Forchap
(Liverpool, UK)

There comes a time when the perception of a woman as domestic slave, doormat and sexual object is eradicated and her beauty and splendour acknowledged and appreciated by the world.

Let every man, nation and the world acknowledge and appreciate a woman's splendour and worth, regardless of her skin colour, religion, background or circumstances.

A woman is a true reflection of the love and wisdom of our creator, God Almighty, who enables her with the unique attributes and potentials to recreate and give birth to life.

A woman represents love, peace, endurance, kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, energy and life. A woman, the mother of all men and nations; tiny and great, simple and complex, poor and rich, lost and found, humble and arrogant; yet her gentle love and tenderness, kind and forgiving nature enables her to love unconditionally and endure with patience the afflictions and bruises brought upon her body and soul by these same men and nations she conceived in her very own womb and gave birth to. Men and nations whom without her very own existence would be made void.

A woman is liken to mother earth- she upholds, bears and nourishes every seed planted into her and brings forth fruits of splendour. She is trampled upon and exploited for selfish desires; yet she is foundation, home and food for all who trample upon her and exploit her.

A woman is the core of families, generations, nations and the world; If only the world could sit back for an instant, gaze and reflect upon her majesty and beauty, it would be evident just how powerless and void it would be without her existence.

A tiny little foetus, she conceived in her womb, loved, nurtured, nourished and protected from the harsh realities of the world. Her very own body was home, light, food and drink for the tiny little vulnerable creature. Through sickness, fatigue, distress and complications her whole being went- yet not for an instant did she think of aborting or terminating its life.

She held on firm onto the tiny little creature in her womb with hope and life; she went on gradually, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week and month by month, enduring, loving and hoping, until it was the appointed time of travail and birth of the of the tiny little precious life within her who represents generations, nations and the world today.

The same world which has turned against her, used and abused her, yet she has never stopped loving, caring and protecting it, not even for a moment- A mother's unconditional and true love.

Let every man, nation and the world relax and allow the burning flame of love; gentleness, kindness and wisdom of a woman touch and transform souls, nations and the world.
In honour of every woman worldwide.

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A Woman's Beauty and Splendour Revealed - Visitor's Poem

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Feb 16, 2011
A Woman's Beauty and Splendour Revealed
by: Sylvia

Thanks Fion.

Jan 30, 2011
In honor of women
by: Fion

Hi Sylvia, thanks very much for sharing your well-thought piece that honors women around the world. Despite the many sufferings and obstacles that women face in the world, they continue to stand up and survive and thrive with love. Women should be proud of themselves.

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