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A Lesson On Being Kind - Visitor's Message

by Leanne Perks
(Sheffield, UK)

What can we learn, how can we be kind, what is the meaning, what is the truth behind being kind?

To be kind we need to always have consideration and keep others foremost in our mind. It is the way we view one another and treat them as though a dear sister or brother, father or mother.

We show fellow-feeling in all our dealing with each other and clothe ourselves with tender compassion even when it seems to be out of fashion.

There are many ways in which we can be kind to others, whether it be a kind word or deed or some special gift you may receive.

It is a quality full of love and makes giving a delight and helps make your heart radiant and bright, as being kind is a quality so generous and refined that is the secret of being kind. It is a healing to your bones, body, soul and mind when you give of yourself to be truly kind.

It gives you a sense of meaning and a deep-seated love that is a precious gift and feeling from above. Have you learnt the lesson on being kind? It is a thought from the mind but an act from the heart and that is only the start.

Once you give of yourself you give a part of you away and touch the hearts of the receivers and bring happiness to you throughout your life. So keep this lesson of kindness in your heart and mind in all you do and you remember the precious but most appealing quality of all. Kindness in action is the best feeling that brings great pleasure and healing in the fullest measure.

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