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An Ode to Actor's Revenge - Visitor's Funny Poem

by Richard John Scarr
(Brighton, East Sussex, England)

He had positioned himself stage centre.
And was giving the audience his all.
When suddenly a seat went up with a "BANG!"
And a woman walked down from the stalls.

And ignoring the audience hissing.
And the actor's rendering too.
She crossed in front of the footlights,
and disappeared into the loo.

And feeling decidedly slighted.
The thespian waited, enraged.
And when the woman came out of the loo,
he walked to the front of the stage.

Then adopting an actor's posture.
And in a voice filled with venom and bite.
That carried its way clear up to the God's,
he delivered the best of the night.

He said: "Madam, whilst there in the privy.
Could you hear my excellent King Lear?
You couldn't? Well I find that amazing!
Cos' we heard you quite clearly out here!"

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