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Child of the King

by Phyllis Strong
(Georgia, USA)

I’ve never been a cheerleader,
Or a beauty queen.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never pulled up in a stretch limousine.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never been asked
To sit on the front row
Or been catered to
because of a title that I hold.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never been bejeweled
With a lot of bling bling
Or shopped at Saks Fifth Avenue
For the finest of things.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never gotten a Ph.D.
Or sailed on a yacht on the open blue sea.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never wrote a check
For a million dollars spent
Or gotten an invitation
To meet the President.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never lived in a house;
That has a spiral staircase
Or worn a dress with a gold trim lace.
Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never traveled the world
In my own private jet
Or had my meals brought to me;
By a butler name Lafayette

Still, I’m a child of the king.

I’ve never owned cattle
On a hundred acre land.
Or walked into a room
And all had to stand.
Still, I’m a child of the king.
And still;
I’m a child of the king!

©-Phyllis Strong

…having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
2Cor. 6: 10 (NIV)

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