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Did I Tell You That? - Visitor's Love Poem

by Sihem Hammouda

Did I tell you that I love your eyes when you smile
because they turn into a piece of moon enlightening my dark life miles?

Did I tell you that I love when you frown
because you remind me of a tired sleepy night happy with the arrival of the dawn?

Did I tell you that I love when you get angry and make me cry
because after thunder and rain, the loving sun comforts the anxious sky?

Did I tell you that I love my name
because of you, for when you say my name it looks like a hymn whispered by a lost angel?

Did I tell you that I know when you don't like my silly jokes but you smile on them?

Did I tell you that I love you and I will always love you in all my seasons, winter, spring, summer, and autumn?

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