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Fear vs. Changing Gears

by Karin Destito
(Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)

My fears are all too much,

I have so little control and I fuss.

Why do I let my fears overtake me?

No worries - I will not turn away and flee.

I am much too stubborn to give in to a false emotion,

For true love is my main devotion.

Fear is always of false play,

It never stands true to your present day.

Grasping my life is first pick,

Oh boy, how amazing to not feel sick.

Fear versus Love is in the ring,

Watch Out – I know love will win this sting.

Please now fear depart this unwilling heart,

I want no part of you, so do not even start.

You have been fired before I even became inspired,

Love to me is much more for me to desire.

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Fear vs. Changing Gears

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Jul 20, 2012
Right on
by: Kimberly Berger

Your poem flows so beautifully and the subject matter is definitely something that I can relate to, I really want to thank you for sharing and baring your soul so the rest of us don't have to feel so scared or alone.

Jul 17, 2012
Fear vs Changing Gears
by: Jillian James

Your rhythm and quirkiness infuse me with delight, while at the same time addressing a deep sentiment that defines a struggle I think we all have faced at one time or another. Love it.

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