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Forever and Ever - Visitor's Story

by Aliou Abda Ba {AKA} Ali Elijah B
(Columbus, Ohio, United States)

Once upon a time, there was a very powerful and wealthy king. No one had a choice but to respect him, because he was also very mean. The king had everything a king would want, wealth, and a beautiful young wife.

Very few people favored him specially the poor people. Even though he had everything a king would want, he was still not satisfied. The king set there on his throne thinking to himself. "I have everything a king would want but all that wealth and the power I have cannot be enjoyed forever and ever."

He knew that he had everything he could want, but at some point it's all going to be gone, even himself. So he thought "what if I could become immortal, then I would live forever and ever to enjoy my wealth and power?" "Yes indeed I will," said the king gladly.

Little did he know that the wish he is about to make is going to make him wish that he was never born. The king got up from his throne and went to his prayer room to make a wish. "I wish to live forever and ever so that I can enjoy my wealth and power forever," said the king and so the wish was granted to him.

Years go by the king got older and older. His children got their own children, their children got their own children, and their children got their own children. The king knew that his wish had been granted to him, because he is still living while his children and great grandchildren and his wife and friends are all gone. The king got so old that he could not walk anymore. He desperately wanted to die but he couldn't because he wished to live forever, ever.

The king set there on his throne thinking to himself "I wished to live forever, ever so I can enjoy my wealth and power but I now realize that with my beautiful wife and friends gone my wealth and power is meaningless." So he went back to his prayer room to undo the wish. "I wish that the wish I made is undone", but still nothing happened after years and years. The king tried everything to die, he drank poison, hung himself ordered his guards to stab him, drowned himself, burned himself alive and still he could not die, so the king got on his knees begged to die.

When the king figured he had learned his lesson he got sick and died sitting on his throne.

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Forever and Ever - Visitor's Story

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Mar 01, 2010
Inevitable truth
by: Fion

Hi Aliou, thanks for presenting an inevitable truth in the form of a classic story of a king!

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