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He Spoke To Me - Visitor's Story

by Brandy Hand
(Downsville NY, USA)

It was April 30, 2011. I got up in the morning and some how managed to convince my little girl to go with me down RT30 and pick up garbage along side of the road.

To make a long story short, she most definitely was not very thrilled with the idea and the task I was asking her to help me with. I reminded her that the world needs more people in it that take pride in the land and how I can't stand to see what others just toss out their car windows with not a care in the world.... I told her god would really be proud of us if we did this today and she could collect all the cans and bottles and cash them in for the money.

Before we left the house I had asked her to go get my two pair of yellow rubber gloves and all the garbage bags we had.

Turned out I didn't have any rubber gloves and neither did the dollar store in town but I was so determined that I needed to do this. I decided to go to a friend's house I had been cleaning and get the two pair of gloves I had been using while I was cleaning for him.

I parked my car over to the school bus garbage and together with my daughter started walking down the road. In no time together we had both filled all the garbage bags which I had. I turned to Lacy and said "Shit Lacy we don't have anymore garbage bags." I asked her if she would call her Daddy and ask him to come down and bring us some more bags.

As Lacy was calling my husband on my cell phone I took another step and kicked a pile of dead leaves and junk under my foot and what I find was 4 neatly folder black garbage bags... I was in total shock, and so was my daughter. We both looked at each other and I stated, "See Lacy, God is so proud of us for doing this He left us 4 more garbage bags.." The look on her face was unbelievable. We both knew at the very moment it was a sign.

After this we continued to gather up the garbage and with the last bag almost filled I ended up getting a rip in my yellow glove. Once again I turned to my daughter and said "Shit Lacy now I got a rip in my glove we need to call your dad." I went on about germs and how unsafe it would be to pick up garbage with a torn glove...

Guess what I found when I took my next step?

A blue pair of gloves...

That my friend, is what gives me hope!

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