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I Am a Free Spirit - Visitor's Poem

by Richard John Scarr
(Brighton, East Sussex, England)

I can go where my fancy takes me.
For like the breeze, my Spirit is free.
And I sit not in judgement of my fellow man.
Nor he in judgement of me.

In sleep state no bonds can enslave me.
Nor problems distress or impede.
All negative thoughts are just vanquished.
And my Spirit can go where it please.

To wander amidst beautiful flowers.
In those Heavenly Gardens above.
Whilst I visit for hours and hours.
There in Heaven with those whom I love.

And as long as I am willing and able.
To wish others good will, love and peace.
And be ready to help where I'm needed.
Then this freedom of mind will not cease.

And the best I can wish upon others.
Is they be blessed with free Spirit like mine.
Till they pass through God's loving Portals
As each of us must, in good time.

Though not asking for "Angelic Virtue."
He expects every Mortal to know.
On this Earth Plain, whatever the harvest.
There in Spirit, we reap what we sow.

And as long as I am true to these endeavours.
He'll let me fly like a bird on the wing.
To the love and the light that awaits me.
No fear! No death! No sting!

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