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Freedom of Women - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
( Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Freedom of women

Freedom of women

This attached painting is my own creation and here I am expressing the theme of my painting.

In many countries, women are still treated like animals. They are forced to spend their lives as bad as a prisoner. But in reality, they are equally capable as men. Besides taking care of families, they can efficiently handle any kind of difficult problems as men do. So they should be treated with respect. Moreover, they have all the rights to express their emotions, views, feelings and to live independently.

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Tribal Woman - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Face of a Tribal Woman. Painted by Sayantani Das

Face of a Tribal Woman. Painted by Sayantani Das

This is the face of a tribal woman from India who is tired and exhausted after taking care of her family and doing severe physical work to stay alive.

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Ignorance of the Harsh Reality in Life - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney,NSW, Australia)

Ignorance of the harsh reality in life

Ignorance of the harsh reality in life

Original inspirational painting by Sayantani Das.

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The Power of Woman - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

The power of woman

The power of woman

Original inspirational painting by Sayantani Das.

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Loneliness in Crowd or Happiness in Solitude - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney,NSW, Australia)

Loneliness in crowd or happiness in solitude

Loneliness in crowd or happiness in solitude

I huddle alone
In the Darkness,
Alone, but not Lonely.
Sometimes, I Dream
You will come for me.
But I know
You have your own Dreams
And your own Savior.
What keeps me company
Is the thought that perhaps
I will be someone's Savior, too.

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Endless Waiting for Her Love - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Endless waiting for her love

Endless waiting for her love

An original inspirational painting by Sayantani Das.

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My Love In My Eyes - Visitor's Painting & Message

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney,NSW, Australia)

This is my love, my husband Dr. Pratik Das

This is my love, my husband Dr. Pratik Das

"We are two out of so many people in this world, a world that grows smaller and stranger every day, and we don't know where or how we might be tomorrow. But ours won't be a lonely journey into this unknown. I have you by my side and you have me.

The people who loved us, nurtured us, grow older and so do we but, if not for a quirk of fate, they shall fade away before us. We would not have lost all. We'll have each other.

We have this little place to ourselves, here and now. Rooms becoming home and more so each day. Colours springing out every corner, adding beauty, but only adding because the warmth comes from your soul and this warmth shall stay. This home of today might not be for tomorrow, and these walls might move, shrink or grow. But I have you by my side and the warmth shall stay.

Perhaps life comes in bundles - of abundance or paucity, of prosperity or poverty, of health good or bad - of joy or sorrow. Be that as it is, I am happier thanks to you."

I Love You

Original painting by Sayantani Das.

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Behind Every Successful Man There Is a Woman - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Behind every successful man there is a woman

Behind every successful man there is a woman

An original inspirational painting by Sayantani Das.

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Hidden Flame of Love - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney,NSW, Australia)

Hidden flame of love

Hidden flame of love

An original inspirational painting by Sayantani Das.

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Importance of Experience and Experiment in Life - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Importance of Experience and Experiment in Life

Importance of Experience and Experiment in Life

Experience (leaf with fall colour) can't touch the sky without experiment (new leaf).

Original inspirational painting by Sayantani Das.

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Willpower - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)



This painting indicates the determination to be the winner in every aspect of life.

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Sayantani Das's True Love - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

True Love...

True Love...

The painting shows the trust and support in true love.

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Sayantani Das's Together Forever - Visitor's Painting

by Sayantani Das (Chakrabarty)
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Together forever...

Together forever...

Together forever...
The two flowers represent the warmth and closeness between two souls. They are standing together like a couple deeply in love.

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