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Jon-Paul's Thoughts - Visitor's Thoughts

by Jon-Paul Vasquez
(North Richland Hills, TX, USA)

Life can be very difficult for people in a number of situations at many different moments while we are alive. We are put into situations and sometimes we put ourselves into situations and it's not until the situation escalates that we at that moment realize that we screwed up and are now in regret as to the decision that was made not considering the impact and ripples of the effect it's going to have or make for our life and the coexisting lives that are shared with ours.

Unfortunately at that moment well it's too late to stop the reaction from the chain of events that begin to unwind as result of the situation that we encountered and could have simply and easily been avoided, if we just sit down and ask ourselves if the reward outweighs the risk. If it does not then we fold that hand and deal another hand til it works in our favor and if it won't then we must walk away from the table.

Emotional pain or feeling betrayed by one that you love is a very hard thing to go through. It hurts oh so very much and we wonder and ask why. We search for answers to help us cope with the difficulties that we are facing at present. Sometimes the answers are not there at times the answers are there but are not being disclosed. So we then wonder as to why that is. Maybe because the truth is too much to bare or the person is ashamed to admit what happened, so we are left in the dark and we assume the obvious of what we think happened. No one knows exactly only the ones involved in the events that took place.

Sometimes we must know just to have closure and are able to move forward and forgive and I would say forget but that's not the right word. You won't ever forget you can forgive but let's forgive and learn to work through or move passed so that you are able to maybe build a better and closer relationship with that person that you love and care very deeply for. The person that means the world to you, the one that you know you can't live the rest of your life without.

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