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Let the Wind Set Sail - Visitor's Poem

by Claire Marie Murray
(Motherwell, Scotland, UK)

Beautiful Balmaha, Scotland, UK

Beautiful Balmaha, Scotland, UK

Start your day in a positive light

Aim for your goals, as high as a kite

Cherish each moment in your every day

Share your learning, in a meaningful way

This is your life, do all that you can

To make it your best life, be your no. 1 fan

Choose the path that feels right, only for you

There you’ll meet others saying ‘I can do’

You will attract beauty and love on this trail

Driven by your values, let the wind set sail

In calm and stormy waters you will see

That strength comes from within for you and me

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Let the Wind Set Sail - Visitor's Poem

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Jan 24, 2011
Thank you
by: Claire Marie Murray

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my creative work and positive energy.

Jan 24, 2011
Inspiring poems
by: Fion

Hi Claire, thanks very much for sharing your rhyming poems that ring with a positive tone with us here! Thanks for taking time to encourage and inspire others.

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