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Life in the Last Lane - Visitor's Story

by Walter B.
(Charleston, SC, USA)

Just last week, I received news that my very best high school friend passed away. I frantically found his younger brother's phone number and got the scoop.

It seems Robert, my best friend, had taken a break from mowing his lawn, and had gone to his kitchen to fetch a glass of water. Bob collapsed on his kitchen floor dead. Seems he suffered a major heart attack. Bob was young and very athletic. His younger brother, Chris, informed me it was his second one.

More shockingly, it dawned on me Bob and I last spoke around August of 1973. We graduated high school in 1972. We were both guilty of forging our own lifetime careers and letting time fly by. We were too busy being successful to be the bosom friends we were.

Keeping in touch got pushed to the rear burner. Bob died May 14, 1996, leaving behind a loving wife and two young sons. Foolishly, we both just assumed there would always be a tomorrow. There was no tomorrow after May 14th.

Look at the people in your life that you love. Have you told them today they are loved? Have you showed them today they are loved? Don't count on your May 15th.

Bright blessings,

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