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My Sister Donna - Visitor's Poem

by Vickie L Smith
(Henderson, West Virginia, USA)

I want to tell people out there who reads my words.
My sister Donna was a wonderful person.
She was kind-hearted.
She was a daughter, a sister, a wonderful mother to her four children.
Donna done more for her children than what people go around saying.
Donna did like to drink her beer.
But in her heart she held each and every one of her children so near.
She loved her children more than they will ever know and cared alot for them than what most people think they know.
She would do anything for them because she loved them dearly.
She was a wonderful mother even though she liked her beer.
She was the one who worked and kept a roof over their heads.
Cooked them food and tucked them into bed.
She paid the rent and all the bills.
Took her children to the doctor if they were sick or ill.
Brought them clothes and fixed then hair.
Put them through school.
She was there.
She was a wonderful Grandmother too.
She had five grandchildren but she only ever got to see two.
She loved them oh so very much this is true.
So if you don't really know her don't speak words of her that's not true.
You see I really know my sister Donna than you.
Or do you just want to put her down because she like her booze?
You see my sister said her prayers unto the power of God I know she had a wonderful heart.
She did count all her blessings.
She would help a friend in despair.
She did find serenity in a Christians' Pray.
She always had her children in her heart all through the years.
She stood beside them through their tears.
You see my sister Donna loved her children dearly.
She kept their pictures hanging upon her wall.
She would try to catch them if they should stumble or fall.
She always kept memories in her heart of ones she loved so dear.
I wonder if her children ever saw her tears.
Do they understand how she loved them so dear.
How they were always in her heart even when she drank her beer.
Now she had passed away to a Golden Land above.
But to friends out there her children she did love.
She always had them a Christmas even though it may have not been much.
And she did love her children through a legend of a tear.
To one who said life can be short.
For years move so fast.
One day we all won't be together.
That my friend is sad.
For you see I've seen people in my life time.
Some had noticed me.
I've seen stars glistening.
In a sky so big and bright.
I had strength in my life to believe.
I could fetch off my worries.
Reflecting in my days.
I appreciate your time.
And for you I did pray.
I was grateful for my family God gave.
Oh the reflections I have seen.
The harmony I did hear singing loud and clear calling me.
Heirlooms I had.
I restored my blessings.
So don't talk about like I was no one you see.
I review all my days.
Revived all my fears.
Don't speak bad about me 'cause I loved you dear.
I reclaimed my faith.
Redeemed my blessing.
Surpassed my words to a listening ear.
I gathered my strength.
Until the day I die.
Concealed into God's world way up high.
I've dealed with my troubles.
Crimson in the tide.
In still born with my love.
Tearsdrops in my eyes.
Remember me, don't speak bad of me.
You see my children I loved all of you.
Did you love me?
You see I've held you in my memory.
The blessed of all refrained.
Threw joys, troubles griefs and pains.
Sunshine rainy days.
Stars that shine at night.
I've held you in my arms until dawn's early light.
You were forever and always in my heart.
You four have grown up so fine.
You will always and forever be my children.
I ask that when you speak of me let it be kind words please.

For My Sister Donna. She was a great mother to all of you. Yea you say she liked her booze. Well maybe she did but she loved you so true was it more than you ever knew she would. She would have done anything for her children. She loved them oh so very much.

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